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Training Cancellation Policy

Cancellation - 7 Days in Advance

Training participants that cancel their registration seven days or more ahead of a scheduled event are entitled to choose from either of the following options.

  1. Full refund

  2. Transfer the registration to another individual

  3. Reallocate the registration to a similar event to occur within six months


Cancellation - Less than 7 Days Advance Notice

Cancellations that occur with less than seven days advance notice of a scheduled event are non-refundable. However, the registrant can exercise one of the following options on a one-time basis.

  1. Reallocate the registration to a similar event to occur within six months.

  2. Transfer the registration to another individual for an event to occur within six months.


Absentee Policy

Training participants that fail to attend an event without notifying Peaceful Households in advance are not entitled to a refund, reallocation or transfer of registration to any other training.



Training participants that choose to cancel must contact Peaceful Households via our website.

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